Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心


  • 用于ASP的Telerik UI。网络核心验证码is a smart verification component, which can be used in any application to prevent automated spam and fake registrations. It features a read out loud option, built-in validation and out-of-the-box keyboard navigation.
  • 该控件是用于ASP的Telerik UI的一部分。网络核心suite along with 110+ fully-featured UI components designed to speed up delivery & improve every aspect of your workflow.
  • 利用公共产品路线图、定期发布、广泛的学习资源和优秀的技术支持团队,管理每个项目并相应地计划开发时间。
Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心套件
美国国家航空航天局(Nasa)签证,微软 福克斯、三星、IBM 世界银行集团,沃尔沃
  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。网络核心验证码component serves as a security validation step when completing a form or making a request. It is meant to protect your application from malicious computer logins and ensure that a human is trying to request, submit or access the information. The component prompts the user to write the combination of symbols (letters and numbers) in the displayed image for verification.

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心验证码Component Overview
  • 验证

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心验证码Valid
  • 与表单组件集成

  • 验证码的音频

    为了方便所有用户访问和使用,验证码组件的扭曲图像可以使用北约语音字母大声读出。在ASP的Telerik UI旁边呈现一个音频按钮。网络核心验证码by default and if the user activates the audio, a slider will appear to let the user adjust the volume.

    查看用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET核心验证码音频
  • 事件

    用于ASP的Telerik Captcha组件。网络核心fires a variety of events, including:
    • Change用户更改组件中的输入时发生的事件。
    • 当验证码向处理程序发出验证码刷新、音频或验证请求时的请求启动事件。
    • 请求结束对处理程序的请求完成时的事件。
    Telerik UI for ASP。净MVC事件
  • API

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心comes with a complete server-side API. With simple API calls, you can configure all features of the ASP.NET Core Captcha control. Since the server wrappers output JavaScript, you also have full access to the client-side API for maximum control in the browser.


    Telerik UI for ASP。净MVC API
  • HTML和标签帮助器

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心provides you with two ways to declare UI components - by using either HTML or Tag helpers. You can use them to help you easily configure the Captcha component.
    Telerik TAG HTML助手
  • 可访问性

    部件是否符合第508节而且WCAG 2.1它还具有“说话”功能,可以一个接一个地大声读出符号,因此非常适合那些需要关注可访问性的场景。
    Telerik UI组件可访问性
  • RTL的支持

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC RTL支持
  • 键盘导航

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。网络核心验证码is one of the many UI components in the suite with out-of-the-box support for keyboard navigation. Users can easily navigate the component using a combination of keyboard buttons to focus on the textbox, change the image or even control the sound volume.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCKeyboard navigation
  • 验证码主题

    验证码验证组件有20多个内置主题和色板。探索默认(我们自己的样式),材料(基于材料设计指导方针)和引导(看起来像引导样式更好地集成)主题,并选择满足您的设计要求的样本。控件可以轻松地使用几行CSS自定义任何主题,或者使用进度SASS ThemeBuilder应用程序才能完全匹配你的颜色和品牌。
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心验证码Theming





参见Telerik UI获取ASP。网络核心in action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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