Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心


  • 允许用户移动您的应用程序页面快速和有效与我们的ASP。NET核心菜单组件。添加图标、图像和自定义模板,并在水平和垂直菜单之间进行选择。
  • 该控件是用于ASP的Telerik UI的一部分。网络核心suite along with 110+ fully-featured UI components designed to speed up delivery & improve every aspect of your workflow.
  • 利用公共产品路线图、定期发布、广泛的学习资源和优秀的技术支持团队,管理每个项目并相应地计划开发时间。
Telerik UI for ASP。NET Core套件
Nasa, Visa,微软 福克斯,三星,IBM 世界银行集团,沃尔沃
  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET核心菜单is a navigational component that displays hierarchical data as a multi-level menu. You can easily implement and customize the component as it provides rich styling for unordered lists of items that can be used for navigation and command execution. In addition to its built-in navigation capabilities, you can browse through the Menu items and their children, define templates for the individual nodes, render text and icons/images and respond to events.

    查看用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET核心菜单演示
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心
  • 数据绑定

    • 物品绑定使您能够手动定义每个项的属性
    • 模型绑定从服务器动态填充菜单项,您可以将项的属性绑定到传递的Model中的字段
    • 绑定到远程数据使您能够将菜单绑定到返回菜单项集合的服务器端点
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心数据绑定
  • 方向


  • 方向和滚动


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心菜单- Scrolling
  • 图片


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心菜单- Images
  • 动画效果

  • 菜单组件是ASP。网络核心suite that are supported in both MVC and Razor Pages applications. To view the complete list of Telerik components that you can plug in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages projects, check out文档文章或访问我们的Razor Pages示例GitHub项目存储库
  • 上下文菜单

    配置ASP。NET核心菜单component to act as a Context Menu by specifying a target element for it and alignment. Also, via a single option, you can define whether it will be displayed on right click (default) or upon another user action. You can add a list of items to a context menu, create multilevel menus and attach event handlers to the menu items for seamless integration with other controls.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心菜单- Context Menu
  • 事件

    Menu组件具有各种项目,其中一些可能没有链接到某个URL。然而,为了确保应用程序能够对用户操作做出反应,ASP。NET核心菜单fires various events, such as Opened, Closed, Selected, Disabled, Activated and more.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心事件
  • 模板

    使用菜单模板(menu Templates)定义应用程序导航菜单的确切外观,可以逐项定义菜单模板,以提供完全自定义的外观。

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心菜单- Templates
  • 安全修剪



  • HTML和标签帮助器

    Telerik for ASP。NET核心菜单comes with two options for implementation—using HTML or Tag Helpers. You can also use them to help you with the Context Menu.

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心
  • RTL的支持

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET核心菜单组件supports right-to-left scripts. You can easily initialize the RTL support feature by adding k-rtl to the div class.
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心
  • 可访问性

    ASP。网络核心菜单component can be used in any application where accessibility is an important factor as it is Section 508 and WCAG Guidelines compliant.

  • 键盘导航

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET核心菜单组件is one of the many in the suite with out-of-the-box keyboard navigation support. This allows users to easily navigate the component using only a keyboard. To see the supported keys and user actions, check out这个演示
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心Keyboard navigation
  • 主题

    Menu组件有20多个内置主题,比如Default(我们自己的样式),Material(基于材质设计指导方针)和Bootstrap(看起来像Bootstrap样式以便更好地集成)。方法可以轻松地使用几行CSS自定义任何开箱即用的主题,以匹配客户的设计需求或创建新主题Telerik SASS ThemeBuilder应用程序。
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心菜单- Theming





参见Telerik UI获取ASP。网络核心in action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




尝试Telerik UI的ASP。网络核心with dedicated technical support.
