Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心


  • 使用ASP。网络核心PDF查看器to display, save and print PDF files directly from your applications. Reinforced with localized toolbar and flexible PDF framework choice (PDFJS and Telerik PdfProcessing).
  • 这个控件是用于ASP的Telerik UI的一部分。网络核心suite along with 110+ fully-featured UI components designed to speed up delivery & improve every aspect of your workflow.
  • 利用公共产品路线图、定期发布、广泛的学习资源和优秀的技术支持团队,管理每个项目并相应地计划开发时间。
Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心套件
Nasa, Visa,微软 福克斯,三星,IBM 世界银行集团,沃尔沃
  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET Core PDF查看器control enables end-users to review PDF files directly in the browser without the need to download the file first. The component also provides flexibility to choose the PDF framework that is to be used for processing the file, allowing you to work with either PDFJS or the Telerik文档处理库.通过响应式呈现,PDF查看器将提供打印和保存功能,内置的可访问和本地化工具栏,以及各种配置设置。

    请看ASP。网络核心PDF查看器in action

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET Core PDF查看器
  • 工具栏


    • 分页
    • 打开一个文件
    • 下载文件
  • 虚拟化


  • 响应和适应能力

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET Core PDF查看器control enables end-users to review PDF files directly in the browser without the need to download the file first. The component also provides flexibility to choose the PDF framework that is to be used for processing the file, allowing you to work with either PDFJS or the Telerik文档处理库.通过响应式呈现,PDF查看器将提供打印和保存功能,内置的可访问和本地化工具栏,以及各种配置设置。

  • 附加功能

    对于PDF Viewer的最新版本,我们扩展了内置功能,包括以下列表:

    • 缩放支持PDF.JS处理
    • 一个额外的文本层,它支持文本选择并允许实现进一步的功能
    • 搜索功能
    • 打印功能
    • 平移和文本选择切换工具
    • FitToWidth / FitToPage功能,以下拉框呈现,嵌套在PDF查看器工具栏中
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET Core PDF查看器additional features
  • 标记辅助

    PDF查看器组件同时作为HtmlHelper和Tag Helper提供,Tag Helper提供了一种利用新小部件的替代方法。

    Telerik TAG HTML helper
  • PDF查看器主题

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET Core PDF查看器has 20+ built-in themes and swatches you can chose from. Explore the Default (our own styling), Material (based on the Material Design guidelines) and Bootstrap (which looks like the Bootstrap styling to integrate better) themes and choose the swatch that meets your design requirements. If neither of the available themes and swatches satisfies your needs, you can easily customize them with a few lines of CSS or create new themes by using the进度SASS ThemeBuilder应用程序。





ASP请参阅Telerik UI。网络核心in action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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