Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心

ASP。NET Core Splitter

  • 使用ASP。网络核心分束器component to separate your pages into sections for a more intuitive flow. Allow users to control the pane size, expansion orientation and visibility.
  • 这个控件是用于ASP的Telerik UI的一部分。网络核心suite along with 110+ fully-featured UI components designed to speed up delivery & improve every aspect of your workflow.
  • 利用公共产品路线图、定期发布、广泛的学习资源和优秀的技术支持团队,管理每个项目并相应地计划开发时间。
Telerik UI for ASP。NET核心套件
Nasa, Visa,微软 福克斯,三星,IBM 世界银行集团,沃尔沃
  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET Core Splitteris a layout component used to split pages into panes that can be expanded or collapsed, both vertically and horizontally. The vertical and horizontal orientation of the Splitter can be combined to build complex layouts. Their main goal is to let users resize panes to their preference for a better user experience.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET Core Splitter- Overview
  • 自动调整大小

    • 附带一个Window组件
    • 根据窗格的内容展开其高度
    • 如果您垂直展开它,请调整它的高度,并与浏览器窗口一起调整它的大小
  • 定制

    ASP。网络核心分束器component and its panes can be customized in several ways. The control can be positioned horizontally or vertically. You can add a CSS class to both the Splitter and its panes to configure their default, minimum and maximum sizes and define if they can be resized and collapsed.
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET Core Splitter- Horizontal
  • 剃须刀页面

    Splitter组件是用于ASP的众多Telerik UI之一。网络核心controls that are supported in both MVC and Razor Pages applications. To view the complete list of Telerik components that you can plug in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages projects, check out the文档文章或访问Razor Pages示例在我们的GitHub项目库中。
  • 内容操作

  • RTL的支持


    请看ASP。NET Splitter RTL支持演示
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心
  • HTML和标签助手

    通过Splitter Tag Helper或使用方便的HTML Helper创建具有类似HTML语法的可展开和可折叠面板。

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心
  • 可访问性

    在任何应用程序中,可访问性都是一个大问题。由于Telerik Splitter组件符合Section 508和WCAG指南,您可以放心地将组件添加到应用程序中。

    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心可访问性
  • 键盘导航

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET Core Splittercomponent supports keyboard navigation, which allows users to navigate panes by only using a keyboard. Whether your application’s audience consists of avid keyboard users or prefers the old-school mouse approach, they would all enjoy using the control. To see more details about Keyboard Navigation for the Splitter, visit这个演示
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心Keyboard navigation
  • 主题

    Splitter组件有20多个内置主题,比如Default(我们自己的样式),Material(基于材质设计指南)和Bootstrap(类似于Bootstrap样式)。控件可以轻松地使用几行CSS自定义任何开箱即用的主题,或创建新的主题以匹配您的颜色和品牌Telerik SASS ThemeBuilder应用程序。





ASP请参阅Telerik UI。网络核心in action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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