Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC


  • ASP。NET MVC组合框offers your users a choice between a list of pre-set options or lets them enter their own. Supporting local and remote data binding, item templates, keyboard navigation and more.
  • 这个控件是Telerik ASP的一部分。NET MVCsuite along with 110+ full-featured UI components, designed to build rich & responsive web apps for any device twice as fast.
  • 通过我们详细的文档,现场演示,在线技术培训和优秀的支持团队,快速获得有意义的结果。
Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC套件
Nasa, Visa,微软 福克斯,三星,IBM 世界银行集团,沃尔沃
  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC组合框control enables filtering and selecting from a list of predefined values, as well as option to values to an existing list. A richer version of the standard HTML select, MVC ComboBox supports local and remote data binding, filtering, item templates, virtualization for performance boosts, and configurable options for controlling the list behavior.

    参见Telerik UI的ASP。NET MVC组合框在行动

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC组合框- Overview
  • 数据绑定

    ComboBox UI组件在数据绑定方面提供了广泛的灵活性。您可以在AJAX、服务器、本地、远程甚至自定义绑定之间进行选择。


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC数据绑定
  • 服务器和客户端过滤

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC组合框- Filtering
  • 分组


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC组合框- Grouping
  • 模板

    • “项模板”管理如何呈现列表项。
    • 头模板定义如何显示弹出头。
    • 页脚模板管理弹出式页脚的呈现方式。
    • no - data Template在弹出窗口中显示没有模板。

    了解更多关于ASP的信息。NET MVC组合框Templating options in our documentation

  • 级联下拉列表框


    看看ASP。NET MVC级联下拉列表框demo
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC组合框- Cascading ComboBox
  • 组合框的虚拟化

    ComboBox,像许多其他ASP。NET MVC组件, supports virtualization. This can be very useful when handling large datasets as the component renders a fixed number of items and, if scrolled later on, it takes the rest of the items and displays them.

    查看用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC组合框Virtualization demo
  • 事件


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC事件
  • RTL的支持

    ComboBox组件,像许多来自Telerik UI的ASP组件一样。NET MVC套件,支持RTL配置。我的大多数组件都支持RTL功能,以响应使用从右到左语言(如阿拉伯语或希伯来语)进行通信的用户。
    Telerik UI for ASP。网络核心
  • 可访问性

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC组合框is compliant with第508节而且WCAG 2.1指南,非常适合关注可访问性的场景。
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC可访问性
  • 键盘导航

    与Telerik UI的ASP。NET MVC组合框, you can use the up and down arrows to highlight the previous or next item in the list. For a full list of controls and user actions, visit演示页面
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCKeyboard navigation
  • 组合框主题

    您可以设置ASP的样式。NET MVC组合框control with one of 20+ built-in themes such as Default (our own styling), Material (based on the Material Design guidelines) and Bootstrap (which looks like the Bootstrap styling to integrate better). If you prefer, you can create new themes by using the进度SASS ThemeBuilder应用程序。



ASP参见UI。NET MVCin action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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