Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC


  • 使用Telerik ASP轻松创建健壮的交互式地图。NET MVC Map组件。自带多种内置功能,简化了Map Tile Services的设置,支持GeoJSON数据格式叠加,标记等。万博体育手机版网址
  • 这个控件是Telerik ASP的一部分。NET MVCsuite along with 110+ full-featured UI components, designed to build rich & responsive web apps for any device twice as fast.
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Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC套件
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  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC地图component allows you to easily integrate and create good-looking interactive maps in your applications. The control offers a number of features and functionalities that ensure a seamless user experience, including simplified setup for Map Tile Services, Markers, Shape drawing based on GeoJSON objects and more.

    请看ASP。NET MVC地图in action
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC地图
  • 基于瓦片的地图和与开放地图提供商的集成

    快速集成ASP。NET MVC地图component in your application using one of the many open map data services with the GeoViz Map. The control provides flexible configuration options, allowing you to easily load maps from various tile-based map providers such as

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC地图
  • 绑定到GeoJSON


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC地图
  • 带有工具提示的地图标记

    ASP。NET MVC地图component comes with a built-in Marker feature that lets you pin and identify desired locations on the map. The Map control also offers Tooltip functionality that displays useful information about a specific location and helps users orient themselves and easily navigate the map.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC地图
  • 气泡贴图层

    ASP。NET MVC地图component has a Bubble Map layer, enabling your users to display data about a restricted area on the map based on some criteria. This facilitates the ability to easily compare regions on the map at a single glance. You can customize the elements of the bubble layer by changing the symbols’ color, size and shape.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC地图
  • 移动设备的触摸控制

    您可以在您的ASP. Map组件中查看和轻松地导航。NET MVC应用程序在任何智能设备上。DataViz地图确保流畅的移动用户体验,并提供灵活的移动导航选项,如拖动,捏缩放等。

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC移动-Support
  • 事件和API


    Telerik UI for ASP。Net MVC API
  • 出口

    ASP的用户界面。NET MVC地图component comes with Export options that support PDF, Image and SVG formats. The map can be exported as a standalone file to be viewed directly or processed by another application. This functionality is available thanks to the powerful Telerik Document Processing library.

    了解Export在ASP中如何工作。NET MVC地图演示

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC地图- Export as PDF
  • 支持Azure地图

    ASP。NET MVC地图is fully compatible with Azure Maps, enabling you to easily integrate advanced location and mobility capabilities into your applications.



ASP参见UI。NET MVCin action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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