Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC

ASP。NET MVC DateRangePicker

  • 使用ASP,可以轻松地从日历中输入或选择日期范围。NET MVC DateRangePicker组件。支持各种自定义模板,键盘导航等。
  • 这个控件是Telerik ASP的一部分。NET MVCsuite along with 110+ full-featured UI components, designed to build rich & responsive web apps for any device twice as fast.
  • 通过我们详细的文档,现场演示,在线技术培训和优秀的支持团队,快速获得有意义的结果。
Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC套件
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  • 概述

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC DateRangePickerrepresents a container that allows users to pick a start and end date from a dropdown calendar or by manually typing in the dates. The DateRangePicker offers options for different views and navigation depths, disabled dates, custom month view templates and more. It also comes with built-in accessibility and globalization features as well as RTL support.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCDateRangePicker- Overview
  • 禁用日期


    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCDateRangePicker- Disabled Dates
  • 选定的日期

    您可以选择显示预先选定的日期范围,用户可以通过输入或从下拉日历手动更改该日期范围。它是通过在ASP. net中设置最小和最大日期来配置的。NET MVC DateRangePicker。请查看演示日期范围选择文档的文章查看如何配置所选日期选项。

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCDateRangePicker- Selection
  • 开始视图和导航深度

    您可以配置ASP的初始视图。NET MVC DateRangePicker使用开始属性设置日历中的导航深度深度选择。您可以从四个预定义视图中选择默认视图:Month, Year, Decade和Century。请参阅文档页面获取更多信息。
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCDateRangePicker- Active View and View Depth
  • 验证

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC DateRangePickeris designed to keep its input value unchanged even when the typed date is invalid.


  • 灵活的客户端和服务器端API

    ASP。NET MVCDateRangePickerprovides rich server- and client-side API functions, allowing you to create advanced and specific scenarios. The available properties, methods and events offer robust functionalities, such as enable/disable, open/close the calendar or get/set values.

    Telerik UI for ASP。Net MVC API
  • 全球化与本土化

    ASP。NET MVCDataRangePicker provides globalization and localization support, which allows to adapt date formats to specific cultural requirements. To define the culture, use the文化财产。要了解有关该功能的更多信息,请访问文档页面
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCGlobalization Localization
  • RTL(从右到左)支持


  • 键盘导航和辅助功能

    用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC DateRangePickercomponent provides accessibility support and complies with WAI-ARIA, WCAG 2.1 and Section 508 guidelines, ensuing easy interaction for individuals with disabilities. In addition, the component has available keyboard navigation and you can easily open/close the DateRangePicker and perform all actions within the control using just your keyboard.




ASP参见UI。NET MVCin action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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