Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC

ASP。NET MVC RadialGauge

  • 使用ASP。NET MVCRadial Gauge to represent values on a circular arc. Easily customize the component’s pointer and scale and export your data to PDF, SVG or image.
  • 该控件是Telerik ASP的一部分。NET MVCsuite along with 110+ full-featured UI components, designed to build rich & responsive web apps for any device twice as fast.
  • 通过我们详细的文档、现场演示、在线技术培训和优秀的支持团队,实现快速有意义的结果。
Telerik UI for ASP。净MVC套件
美国国家航空航天局(Nasa)签证,微软 福克斯、三星、IBM 世界银行集团,沃尔沃
  • 概述

    径向仪表可以作为许多现实生活工具的代表,如温度计、压力表或汽车表盘,也可以在各种仪表盘应用程序中使用,以说明重要的kpi。用于ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVCRadial Gauge represents values on a circular arc. You can customize the pointer and scale, add multiple pointers, display ranges and even take advantage of the export to PDF, Image or SVG option.

    看到ASP。NET MVCRadialGaugein action
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC RadialGauge- Overview
  • 指针定制


    查看ASP。NET MVCRadialGaugeMultiple Pointers demo
    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVC RadialGauge- Multiple points
  • 大规模定制

    ASP。NET MVCRadial Gauge’s scale can show ranges, which help the users read and interpret the displayed information. To make the scale fit your app scenario you can easily customize its colors and labels, define which ticks are displayed and which are not and specify the initial angle.

    Telerik UI for ASP。NET MVCRadial Gauge Scale options
  • 客户端渲染

    Telerik ASP。NET MVC仪表controls render completely on the client-side, using HTML5 Canvas or the SVG element specification to deliver itself to the user.
  • 导出到PDF,图像或SVG

  • RadialGauge主题

    ASP。NET MVCRadialGaugecomponent has 20+ built-in themes and swatches. Explore the Default (our own styling), Material (based on the Material Design guidelines) and Bootstrap (which looks like the Bootstrap styling to integrate better) themes and choose the swatch that best meets your design requirements. You can easily customize any theme with a few lines of CSS or create a new one to match your colors and branding with the进度SASS ThemeBuilder应用程序



参见UI的ASP。NET MVCin action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.




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