ASP.NET Core Barcode Overview

The Barcode TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI Barcode widget. To add the component to your ASP.NET Core app, you can use either.

The Barcode represents data in a machine-readable format.

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Initializing the Barcode

The following example demonstrates how to define the Barcode.

@(Html.Kendo().Barcode() .Name("barcode")

Basic Configuration

To configure the Barcode, pass the configuration options as attributes:

  • The name of the Barcode is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the widget.

  • You can select the appropriate encoding (symbology) from theavailable options. Specify it by passing anenumvalue to the encoding method.

@(Html.Kendo().Barcode() .Name("barcode") .Value("10110110") .Encoding(BarcodeSymbology.Code128) .Width(200) .Height(100) .Border(border => border.Color("red").Width(2))) )

Functionality and Features

The Barcode supports a set ofencoding types.

Referencing Existing Instances

To reference an existing Barcode instance, use option. Once a reference is established, use theBarcode client-side APIto control its behavior.

// Place the following after the declaration of the Barcode for ASP.NET Core. 

See Also

In this article