
面向ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC忍者图像

验证码是面向ASP的Telerik UI。NET MVC一个专业级的UI库,包含 110+ 组件,用于构建现代和功能丰富的 应用程序。要想尝试一下,注册一个30天的免费试用。

Telerik UI Captcha HtmlHelper for ASP。NET MVCis a server-side wrapper for the Kendo UI DataSource widget.

用于ASP的Telerik UI验证码。NET MVCis a security measure that prevents automated spam from performing tasks such as form submissions in your ASP.NET MVC application. The widget generates distorted images of letters and numbers that are easily decipherable to humans, but not to automated programs (spam bots).



@(Html.Kendo().Captcha() . name ("Captcha") . handler (handler => handler.)Action("Reset", "Captcha") //端点返回Captcha . audiohandlerfunction ("audioHandler") //处理程序获取Captcha的音频表示(如果需要)。validationhandler (handler => handler. validationhandler)Action("Validate", "Captcha")) //验证Captcha的端点