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Drawer Events

This article explains the events available in the Telerik Drawer for Blazor:


TheSelectedItemChangedevent fires every time the user clicks on a new item from the Drawer. You can use it with one-way data binding to respond to the userselection. It receives an argument of the Drawer data model type.

Handle SelectedItemChanged event

@ *这个例子展示了如何使用单向数据绑定ing for the SelectedItem parameter *@   
Content for the @selectedItem?.Text
@code { private void SelectedItemChangedHandler(DrawerItem item) { selectedItem = item; // if you don't update the view-model, the event will effectively be cancelled Console.WriteLine($"The user selected {item.Text}"); } protected override void OnInitialized() { //You can preselect an item in the lifecycle methods that the framework provides. selectedItem = Data.FirstOrDefault(); //Here you can use another LINQ expressions like Where() or else depending on your application needs. } public DrawerItem selectedItem { get; set; } public IEnumerable Data { get; set; } = new List { new DrawerItem { Text = "Counter", Icon = "plus"}, new DrawerItem { Text = "FetchData", Icon = "grid-layout"}, }; public class DrawerItem { public string Text { get; set; } public string Icon { get; set; } } }


The扩大Changedevent fires every time the component's state is changed - to expanded or to collapsed. You can use it with one-way data binding for the扩大parameter. It takes an argument of thebooltype that corresponds to its new state - whether the drawer is expanded.

If you only need conditional markup based on the expanded/collapsed state of the drawer, use two-way binding (@bind-Expanded) - in this example, hiding the button conditionally can be achieved either way, but two-way binding requires less code.

Handle ExpandedChanged event

@ *这个例子展示了如何使用单向数据绑定ing for the Expanded parameter and show/hide the Expand Drawer button based on the value of Expanded *@ @if (!Expanded) { Expand Drawer }   
Content for the @selectedItem?.Text
@code { private void ExpandedChangedHandler(bool value) { Expanded = value; // if you don't update the view-model, the event will be effectively cancelled Console.WriteLine(string.Format("the user {0} the drawer.", Expanded ? "expanded" : "collapsed")); } public TelerikDrawer DrawerRef { get; set; } public DrawerItem selectedItem { get; set; } public bool Expanded { get; set; } = true; public IEnumerable Data { get; set; } = new List { new DrawerItem { Text = "Counter", Icon = "plus"}, new DrawerItem { Text = "FetchData", Icon = "grid-layout"}, }; public class DrawerItem { public string Text { get; set; } public string Icon { get; set; } } }


drawer expandedchanged example

The event is anEventCallbackand it can be synchronous (returnvoid), or it can also be asynchronous and returnasync Task.

The lambda expression in the handler is required by the framework:

In this article