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Requirements and Browser Support


  1. Required Service:

  2. Required JavaScript libraries and files:

    • jQueryminimum required version 1.9.1。As the HTML5 Report Viewer uses Kendo UI widgets, conform the jQuery version according to theKendo UI requirements。Note that the jQuery slim build isnotsupported.

    • Reference to HTML5 Report Viewer JavaScript calledtelerikReportViewer-。By default, it is served from the Telerik Reporting REST Service.

    • Kendo UI2022.3.913 or higher. Kendo UI Professional license is not required if you are only going to use the default widgets by the HTML5 Report Viewer. Telerik Reporting provides a JS file containing a subset of the used by default Kendo UI widgets calledtelerikReportViewer.kendo-。For more information refer toTelerik Reporting License Agreement(point 4.2). By default, the subset is served from the Telerik Reporting REST Service.

  3. Required HTML5 compliant browser. For more information see:Browser Support

Important Settings while configuring HTML5 Report Viewer page

  • The HTML5 Viewer is designed to request its HTML template, HTML5 Report Viewer widget implementation and Kendo UI widgets subset from the resources of the Reporting REST Service.

  • The required CSS and JS files must be loaded before creating the HTML5 Viewer widget on the page.

  • jQuery must be loaded only once by the page with the HTML5 Viewer.

  • The report viewer JS should be referenced after any other Kendo widgets or bundles. If no Kendo widgets are utilized in the page the report viewer will automatically register a custom Kendo subset to enable the required Kendo widgets. For more information how the final page should look like, check the last step ofManual Setuparticle.

  • If you use a CDN to load the required CSS and JS files, verify the links are run over HTTP or HTTPS depending on the hosting of the application.

  • If you will not add changes in the default template, you do not have to specify the HTML template viewer option. The HTML template includes links to the HTML5 Viewer's CSS template file and icon fonts, also available through the resources of the HTML5 Viewer. For more details, checkStyling and Appearance

  • The viewer depends on the Promise object and will not load successfully if it is not available. CheckPromises/A+。Most modern browsers have native implementation and support for this object (see Browser Compatibility atPromise - JavaScript | MDN). If Promise object is not detected, the viewer will try to load a Promise polyfill fromPolyfill.ioas CDN:。If the browser security does not allow dynamic script loading or the client computer has no internet access, the CDN script might fail loading. In this case, you should load a Promises/A+ JS implementation of choice into your application. For example you can load locally the same polyfill we use: