Progress Telerik UI for PHP

PHP Chip

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  • Overview

    Leverage the small, yet dynamic UI building blocks of the Telerik UI for PHP Chip to create informational displays in the shape of chips or pills. These can show text, optional close or delete icon, images or avatars and can be used either on their own or alongside other controls.

    See the PHP Chip demo

  • Chip Types

    The Telerik UI for PHP Chip component comes with multiple ready-to-use types, each with its own style. Save time and effort by leveraging the already available base, info, error, success and warning chip types.

  • Appearance

    Select the predefined appearance option that best fits your design needs. You can either choose the Filled Chip, which sets a background color to its content, or the Outlined Chip, which sets a transparent background color and an outline.

    See the PHP Chip Appearance demo

  • Customization

    The Telerik UI for PHP Chip component is equipped with multiple customization options, enabling you to include icons, images, avatars, custom icons, links or any other content within the chip. Change the default look and feel of the PHP Chip component to match your app design by simply setting custom CSS classes.

  • Events

    To ensure smooth interaction, the Telerik UI for PHP Chip component exposes different events related to user interaction - clicking, selection and removal.

    Check out the PHP Chip events demo

  • Removable Chip

    Easily configure whether the Telerik UI for PHP Chip should provide a built-in close or delete icon through the removable property. This will enable users to remove certain chips from the list of available items with a single click. If the property is set to false, the PHP Chip component will render without this icon.

  • Disabled Chip

    Meet all use case scenarios, including those that require the PHP Chip component to be disabled until a specific condition is met, e.g., when certain items are not available at the moment. Although the Chip component is enabled by default, you can use the disabled property to quickly disable the component or vice versa.

  • Inherit Progress Kendo UI Framework Features

    Leveraging the PHP Chip widget, you will inherit standard Kendo UI framework benefits such as Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), customizing templates, globalization and keyboard navigation.

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