Progress Telerik UI for PHP

PHP Window

Nasa, Visa, Microsoft Fox, Samsung, IBM World Bank Group, Volvo
  • 动画

    Utilize the built-in animations of the Window component to provide a unique and visually pleasing interaction for your users.
  • Window functionality

    The Telerik Kendo UI Window component allows you to have content appear in a movable, or modal, window which can be maximized, restored and closed.
  • Client-side API

    Interact with and modify the Window component via JavaScript through its rich client-side API and events.
  • Accessibility

    The Telerik Kendo UI Window fits perfectly in scenarios where accessibility is a large concern as it is compliant with Section 508 and the WCAG guidelines.

  • Form in window

    You can place other components inside of the Window, including items related to a form to provide an intuitive way for a user to provide some input and submit that back to the server.

  • External pages

    Use the Telerik Kendo UI Window component as a way to browse external pages by setting a single property. This allows users to browse additional, external content while still remaining within your application.

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